Research Interest

A Passionate Lad ventured to carryout research in Structures of Mechanical and Aerospace using both Computational and Experimental Methods and Technologies. Have shown considerable skills in Machine Design and Product Development, with strengths in Vibrations and Wave Mechanics. Signal Acquisition and Data Analytics are carried out with support of Analytical, Numerical Methods.

Multiscale Simulations

Carried out Molecular Dynamic simulation using LAMMPS to study grain boundary structures over various orientation and their dislocation mechanism under various loading, while capturing dislocation energies and counts.

Vibration Dynamics of Superalloys were carried out to capture damping effects at various temperatures

Carried out Multiscale Simulations, at nano and micro scale using Molecular Dynamics and Finite Elements. Worked on cohesive zone modelling in Abaqus with applying cohesive zone laws derived from Molecular Dynamics, using User Element and validating it using a patch test.

Skills Learnt: LAMMPS, ABAQUS, FORTRAN, MATLAB, Parallel Programming, LINUX

Machine Design

Involved in Designing and Development of a Dynamic Vibration Testing Equipment, with capabilities of estimating material and vibrational properties. It involved using of sensors to obtain signal from sample deformation and solving inverse problem to estimate material properties using schemes such as Newton Raphson Methods and optimization techniques to predict viscoelastic model parameters.

Involved in Non Destructive testing of composites using Ultrasonics to capture porosity present in the material. It involved analyzing signal obtained from transducer and using MATLAB for generating cscan images and depth slicing.

Developed Graphical Interfaces for dynamic vibration testing equipment and other Lab on chip using LABVIEW Framework

Skills Learnt: CATIA, LABVIEW, Ansys, MATLAB, Arduino

Data Analysis and Machine Learning

Used Image based segmentation for data analytics to identify, classify pores within composite materials

Completed courses on Machine Learning, Deep Learing and Data science from Coursera

Future scope would involve implementation of Machine learing and AI on strucutral health monitoring

Skills Learnt :Python, TensorFlow, IBM Watson